Environmentally Responsible Solutions – Products for the Future
As a supplier to the packaging and other industries in New Zealand and neighbouring territories we have a responsibility to add value to the supply chain and minimise the load on the waste chain. In our own small way we offer responsible adhesive and coating solutions for industrial clients using proven base technology but fine tuned for the long run. No one can solve this alone but if we each do a little the effect is significant.
In the supply chain we offer “never run out” options and excellent products along with technical support from staff in New Zealand and overseas.
In the waste chain are are delighted to be able to offer product options with real environmental impact benefits.
Bio-degradability – what does it mean?
Several of our adhesive and coating products are made using polymer systems that are on the forefront of bio-degradability technology. These address the four cornerstones of environmentally responsibility*
Bio-degradability: products that support microbial activity for conversion to water, carbon dioxide and biomass
Disintegration: natural breakdown during composting within a defined timeframe (typically 6months maximum)
Ecotoxicity: products that break down to residues that are not detrimental to the composting process (such as release excessive nitrogen or sulphur)
Heavy Metals: products must not contain heavy metals
*see EN/BS 13432, 14855, 14851 and 14852. Also Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC for details
Please get in touch so we can discuss Responsible Packaging Adhesives and Coating options that fit best for your application area, performance profile and waste stream requirements.